Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book review


 The next book I am reviewing is ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’, #3 in the harry potter series. This book was published on the 8th of July 1999. This book is a slow story, slowly revealing that Sirius Black was Harry Potter’s godfather. Sirius would be suffering from the dementor’s kiss. (The dementor’s kiss would be the last thing that you ever wished for. It is because the dementor’s will suck out your soul from your mouth.) But why does Sirius need to suffer from the kiss? He did not do anything wrong did he? No, he did not. But the dementor’s thing he did something. This something was the misunderstanding that he betrayed Harry’s parents and told Voldemort to go after them. But he did not do any of them! It was his best friend Peter Pettigrew, a.k.a Wormtail, who did all this. So, Harry and Hermione use the time turner and go back in time to save Sirius using Hagrid’s pet, Buckbeak.

 The whole story was fine, except the fact that why had Sirius had to stay hidden. I would have rewritten it so that it becomes that Wormtail did not escape and was put in Azkaban. I would have liked it better if J.K Rowling wrote in the last page relating to this whole scene, that this is happening in our world, not any other world, but in the Muggle (No-Maj) world. People are getting arrested for something that they have not done. Frankly, people are getting arrested without proof. But only because it is a story, Harry and Hermione can use the time turner to save Sirius. In real life, no chance man! See how the world is? Cruel! Evil! You cannot even save someone innocent! Hope you guys think about this!



2004, Kids and family/Adventure, 2h 21m



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